About allInMen.org
All In Men, also known as AIM, is a growing group of guys who are doing life together, focused on our faith in God. We are from several churches in Southern Maryland (SoMD) and have diverse viewpoints but a common belief in Jesus as our Savior.
Men are a vital key to the advancement of God's kingdom right where we live. We are committed to standing side by side to face life's challenges. Join us and discover your part in the larger story that God is writing for you and those around you.
Our focus is on fellowship, spiritual growth, reaching out to others, and serving our community. We aim to build up men who live according to God's word, love their families and neighbors in the ways Jesus commands, and who enjoy the God-given masculinity that reflects God's glory in great ways! Are you with us...ready to be an All In Man?
It's a team effort and each man has a role...including you! None greater than the other. Each one where he is at and able.
The All In Men Team:

Strategy & Planning
AIM Communications Guy chevyvt7@yahoo.com

AIM's mission (to encourage and equip men) is enabled by the local church. We are committed to supporting our pastors, church leaders, and the family of God that meets regularly for worship and service. Our fellowship of All In Men wants to be allies for redemptive brotherhood and we welcome men from all Bible-believing churches across SoMD. Please let AIM know about your men's ministry events, small groups, conferences, and adventures. We can help get the word out and show the world we are Christ's disciples by the love we have for one another!
Our church partners in Men's Ministry

Real Life Men's Ministry
Lexington Park Baptist Rep